1.75 cups almond meal
0.5 cup cocoa powder
0.75 cup brown sugar
0.25 tspn salt
1/3 cup coconut oil (melted)
4 TBspns Aqua faba
1 tspn vanilla extract
4 TBspn brown sugar
2 TBSpn Cocoa powder
2 TBSpn coconut oil
4 TBSpn soy milk
Method for base
1. Preheat oven. Combine dry ingredients and then add wet ingredients and mix thoroughly.
2. Put into a small cake/ slice tin that's lined with baking paper.
3. Bake 35mins on 160 degrees Celsius.
Method for topping
1. Combine ingredients in a small saucepans til bubbling constantly while being stirred
2. Pour over base to serve.