Thursday, March 7, 2019

Vegan Carrot cake - thermomix recipe

Here is my best effort at a carrot cake that is vegan and one thermomix  bowl away from deliciousness!

I based my recipe mostly on Quirky Cooking's One Bowl Carrot Cake (gluten free and dairy free)  and recommend trying their icing recipe options too (although it really doesn't need any!)
With some inspiration from a Love and Lemons Vegan Carrot Cake recipe and this Venturesome Vegan Cooking recipe book (pictured)


Wet Ingredients
300g (/1 x410g drained tin) of fresh/tinned pineapple or peaches
400g/ 3 or 4 large carrots (quartered)
0.5cups of apple sauce
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
80g (/ 8 tablespoons?) coconut oil / grape seed oil/ macadamia oil
1tsp vanilla extract
Quarter of a cup of molasses
Quarter of a cup of raw local honey
Quarter of a cup of maple syrup
Dry Ingredients
150g dessicated coconut/ walnuts/ macadamias
380g gluten free flour or all purpose flour
1tsp cinnamon
2tspn bicarbonate soda / baking soda
2tspn baking powder
Three-quarters of a tsp salt (optional)
Optional Ingredient
Half cup/80g sultanas/ raisins


1. Soak half cup/80g sultanas/ raisins in warm water (for about 20mins) - this is an optional ingredient and an optional step when including the ingredient.

2. Preheat the oven to 165 degrees Celsius - this low temperature is important for baking when raw honey is an ingredient.  Grease and flour one circular ring cake tin and one muffin baking tins.

3. Combine wet ingredients on Speed 5 for 15 seconds.
NB: If you don't have a thermomix, I'm sure that a food processor would do the job for this stage of the recipe and hand mixing for the later steps is sufficient.

4. Combine dry with wet ingredients on speed 5 for 10 seconds.
NB: this may require some hand mixing with a spoon, or longer time mixing if you have an older (and therefore smaller bowl sized) model of thermomix like me. The recipe I based this off was for the newer, larger bowled thermomix. Hand mixing for this step would be fine.

5. Add soaked sultanas/ raisins (optional). Speed 4 for 5secs

6. Bake 30-40mins for muffins, 90 mins for ring cake - use skewer to determine when ready