Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Old-fashioned chocolate chips cookies made vegan two ways

Old-fashioned chocolate chips cookies made vegan two ways other than the non-vegan original we found in a cookbook in the farm house we stayed in in Toodyay in 2017.

Vegan Almond Old-fashioned choc-chip cookies

We love almonds and my mum is allergic to most nuts except almonds and cashews so this vegan, almondy adaptation of the recipe is our family fave.


150g plain flour
125g nuttalex buttery
75g caster sugar
75g light brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence/ extract
3 TBS aqua faba
1/2 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp hot water
125g almond pieces (or half walnut, half almond)
175g vegan dark chocolate chips - use coarsely chopped dessert chocolate.

Method for Thermomix

1. Heat oven to 190 degrees C. Line two baking trays.
2. Start by blitzing the nuts on sped 8 for 4 secs. Pour out nuts into a bowl. Break and bash the chocolate up inside its pack using a rolling pin.
3. Cream the butter on speed 4 for 5 secs, add both sugars and beat until soft and light - speed 5 for 5 secs, scrape sides and repeat.
4. Beat in the vanilla speed 4 for 5 secs, add the aqua faba and beat for 1 minute on speed 5.
5. Mix the bicarb with the water until dissolved and stir it into the mixture.
6. Mix in the flour in two halves for 10 secs on speed 5 each.
7. Stir in almond and chocolate on reverse speed 4 for 5 or so secs.
8. Using two teaspoons, drop small mounds of mixture onto the baking trays and flatten.
9. Bake for 10-15mins. Cool and serve.

Vegan Oat Old-fashioned Choc-chip cookies

For school lunch boxes the nuts won't float so replacing them with oats is not only practical but arguably an improvement!


150g plain or wholemeal flour
125g nuttalex buttery
75g caster sugar
75g light brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence/ extract
3 TBS aqua faba
1/2 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp hot water
125g rolled oats
175g vegan dark chocolate chips - use coarsely chopped dessert chocolate.

Method for Thermomix as above

The chunks of chocolate are delish!